In 2021, after two decades of playing drums for The Sam Morrison Band, I embarked on a new musical journey by releasing my album of original material. Teaming up with my friend Blackthorne, we crafted an entire album titled “Scavenger,” and it was recorded under the...
Many years ago, in the early 2000s, I was hired as a sideman by a band organized by Paramount Pictures. Let’s call the band “Ned’s Galactic Orchestra.” (As Bon Scott said, “I’ve changed the names to protect the guilty.”) This band, like all bands, was a mixture of...
Most people share a common experience of a voice that exists in our heads, a silent but persistent presence — an inner voice that often whispers doubts, fears, and criticisms. This voice, known as negative self-talk, exists in our minds, casting shadows of doubt and...
No matter what you create, blogs, songs, screen plays, television, comedy; whatever it is, from time to time we feel like we’ve hit the wall. But have we really got writers block? Today when I sat down to write I had no idea what I was going to write about. Because of...
Navigating the intricate web of relationships that intertwine in both my professional and personal life has been a journey filled with lessons, some learned the hard way. As a spouse, drum instructor, band member, and mentor, I interact with a diverse array of...
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